Tuesday, June 7, 2011

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  • seahawks
    03-27 12:54 AM
    you can volunteer for your future employer as long as there is no financial transactions involved.

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  • mariner5555
    05-07 01:41 PM
    Forget to mention that you can port to self-employment :)
    are you sure of this ..if yes, then how does one do that ..do you need to show you can make the salary mentioned on your own ??

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  • obviously
    08-27 05:57 PM
    Folks, the key is here to articulate the interests and educate lawmakers on why amelioration and terminal relief is required. Walking out of workplaces does not reflect the value that legal immigrants bring to the economy. What's needed is a pithy powerful message on why it is important to support those who are in the legal line for immigrating to the USA> We dont seek it as an entitlement, nor do we seek social promotion. Our goal is to get what is available per current policy. We must highlight the pain we face ...

    Talking about aalking out of work places might make one feel good and 'in control'. Reality is, you are only jeopardizing your job, career and goodwill. An illegal who is fired can 'melt away' and find another job. Are you willing to risk it all and leave the country? For one day of protest, in a form and manner that befits a 20th century mentality?

    If we have to make ourselves heard with RESPECT and RECOGNITION, our actions must merit these values. We cannot bleed by a hundred cuts and expect to find what we need.

    Let us get non emotional about this, collect DATA and present it OBJECTIVELY through repeated messaging. Positioning, timing and delivery is key.

    Walking out of work on Oct 24 is NOT the answer, IMHO.


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  • amitga
    04-27 06:00 PM
    Hagel Introduces Legislation to Deal with Illegal Immigrants Living in the U.S.

    So, on the Illegal side we have:

    Senate Bill: Hagel with The Immigrant Accountability Act of 2007
    House Bill: Flake with the STRIVE

    On the Legal and High-Tech side we have:

    Senate Bill: Cornyn with SKIL Bill
    House Bill: Shadegg with SKIL Bill

    Senate Discussion: Last two weeks of May 2007.

    Let the engines start.

    Are they going to discuss all the bills in last week of May or just the Hagel Bill.


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  • anemmani
    01-22 09:34 AM
    Why should we fight about every issue that is posted? Cant we debate it like mature people? This tendency to fight (and get emotional) over irrelevant issues will not help us any better.

    Most of us in this immigration thread are academically oriented. And I believe that this can be attributed to the way in which we were molded in our early life. Most of our parents would stress academic excellence over athletic and artistic abilities. They made all our choices all the way to college and maybe beyond. They would always trump every argument with the statement, "We know what is best for you."

    That said, I think the comparison between western and eastern parenting in US is not completely fair. The section of Indians & Chinese immigrants in US are educated and were probably at the top of their classes in their respective countries. They excelled academically and it helped them (us) immigrate and be part of the successful strata of this country. We cannot compare these immigrants with the Western population as a whole. We should compare eastern and western parenting techniques among parents with similar backgrounds.

    Successful American families produce successful kids. This is also true for families of all races. Each set of parents have their own method.

    Getting greencard is not everything. We have lives beyond the greencard. We have (or will have) kids and have a responsibility towards raising them to give them the best possible skills (academic, artistic & social) to thrive in their lives. And a mature discussion in parenting methods is useful.

    I urge everyone of you to make your arguments and highlight relative merits & de-merits. You may also argue whether this discussion has merit or not. But no name calling.


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  • trs80
    03-10 03:46 PM
    Hola USIRIT,

    Thanks God! My perm was certified in 38 days.
    Now we concurrent filed the USCIS forms.

    Any update about your case?


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  • Rakson
    03-01 12:25 PM
    Another front to think about :

    Recently I have heard that when the company publishes advertisement for the labor when filling for fresh PERM, every time there is a response coming back because of the higher rate of unemployment in the market. The issue is, if any response comes back then the company cannot proceed with the labor and new GC process gets hung.

    So, to be on safer side just check on ur skill set before resigning the current job as it should not be readily available in the market.

    You have added important point for consideration. Thanks!

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  • insbaby
    10-05 08:20 AM
    Based on current estimates, it will be 10-15 years time, unless u r son/daughter can sponsor you prior... u will end up in family quota wait still.

    I am not sarcastic this is the reality,

    Hey, in 5 years, all the EB waitings are going to start the family based GCs with their kids. So in 10 years, the Family Queue will be same as EB Queue, so it is better to wait on EB Queue. :)


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  • Soul
    06-14 07:02 AM
    Haha :beam:

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  • BharatPremi
    07-15 11:11 PM

    Just recently moved from Milwaukee, WI to Plano, TX (DFW) area. Just let me know what need to be done from my side. Awaiting eagerly.

    - BharatPremi


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  • LookingForGC
    05-10 10:10 AM
    I have been using ICICI for many years as i do have ICICI NRI account. Having indian account and managing here is always fun :)

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  • qplearn
    11-20 08:05 PM
    The email id for 60 minutes is:


    After sending email, put a post here so we know how many emails have gone.


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  • chanduv23
    02-17 08:48 PM
    Durbin likes to have it both ways - be perceived as being pro-immigration (for his work on behalf of Hispanic illegal immigrants) but also being the champion of unions. I think he might respond if he starts to get labeled as anti-immigrant. He will not want to start to get the label of being someone who opposes immigrants. But I'd probably stick to the flowers and make it IV's signature. When the media hears about another flower campaign, they'll know something big is up and that the person getting the flowers is being targeted for an important reason.

    For some reason this thread caught my attention. Looks like this was discussed sometime back.

    Sending flowers once again ???? Is this a good idea :D:D:D

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  • waitingnwaiting
    01-19 12:32 PM
    Let us start a thread to list of EB3 Immigrants that have done well in USA.

    We always say Einstein or Noble prize winner names. But those people are EB2 or EB1. What about EB3 that is most backlogged. There will be lot of great people who came in this category. Let us find their names and list here.


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  • immiguy
    07-20 04:35 PM
    Same question. My friend is pregnant and wants to deliver the baby in India. They have filed for AoS now. Howevr they are not sure how to bring ther baby in if they deliver in India.

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  • Berkeleybee
    02-15 01:34 PM
    Just want to say that the public's opinion is already visible in the "public's" choices -- I mean, it is the US public after all that is refusing to study science and engineering! ;-)

    If PACE gets through, it'll be the medicine that the public doesn't want to swallow. ;-)


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  • irthday balloons wallpaper. party alloons background.

  • cbpds
    06-08 12:54 PM
    What if someone returned the initial I94 but not the latest one because we attched the wrong I94 portion, will we need to send the new I94 after extension back to USCIS as well?

    No, you are supposed to return all I-94s!!.

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  • chanduv23
    04-21 10:10 AM
    We moved from NYC to Houston back in September 2009. If you want to talk, please send me a private message.

    Where r u moving from?

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  • paskal
    08-22 03:44 PM
    there's a nice amtrak ride from buffalo to ny- i've been on it many years ago
    that's something to consider too, you could join the NY busgoers once you reach union station!

    11-13 04:47 PM
    I asked her if it is change of address they sent she is not sure but she said usually it is the card when Current Status: is "Document mailed to applicant."

    She put in a service request for me and she some one is going to contact me in 30 business days.

    07-17 02:02 PM
    DOS and USCIS are slow. But it would be really helpful if the IV code team can provide some update on our site. I believe over 2.5 hours have passed since the last update regarding some update in 1 hour. I guess we can't do anything if it takes more time but an update always helps! Thank you.

    given that u have just joined the group, let me say welcome aboard...
    u made a wise decision to join this effort.. however regretfully I beg to defer , for you to be too quick to ask questions or updates and be more patient..

    please aks yourself..what did u do for IV....what can u expect...

    if u are a very active member and did contribute to IV, please accept my apologies

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